Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women s Roles During Ancient Egypt - 1665 Words

Nurhane Vila Professor Krasinski Introduction to Archaeology April 24, 2015 Women s Roles in Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa and it was one of the six civilizations globally to arise independently. Egyptian civilization began around 3150 BC and only ended nearly 30 centuries later due to the conquest of Alexander the Great in 332 B.C. Noted for their great pyramids of the Old Kingdom, historians often question the gender roles in society. The main sources of information about ancient Egypt is evident through objects, artifacts, and monuments that have been found recovered from archaeological sites. Egyptian women achieved parity with Egyptian men. They enjoyed the same legal and economic rights. This was evident in the artworks left behind by their artists. However, this is not to conclude that all shared the same rights because there were many social classes. Gender did not define their rights, but their social class did. Egyptian women, specifically, extended power to all areas of Egyptian civilizations. Women were capable of managing, owning, and selling private property which consisted of: slaves, land, money, livestock, and goods. Women in Ancient Egypt era had more rights than some women in modern time. They were able to resolve legal settlements such as marriage contract or a divorce contract. Although there is not any evidence which leads for us to believe that marriage ceremonies took place, but contracts survived.Show MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Ancient Egypt And Mesopotamia951 Words   |  4 Pageshistory are Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. However, because of the different geography, exposure to outside invasion, influence, and beliefs, Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia came to not only contrast in political and social structures but also share similarities in them as well. 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